2014 has been QUITE the year. For me, 2014 has been all about growth and change! Between shooting over 160 sessions, home and life changes, watching some of my best friends get married and engaged….and gosh, SO much more…. I wanted to spend a little time recapping this incredible year. My year started with getting […]
As I was growing up, I was never too excited about living in Indianapolis. For some reason, it always fell short for me. I never thought in a million years that I would live here after going away for school. In the last few years that I have been back, however, Indianapolis has completely won […]
Lucy is already 6 months old! It seems like yesterday that we were all anxiously awaiting her arrival . She is the most smiley, sweet, and curious little one. I can’t wait to watch her grow! 🙂
Thank you to Image Review for the nice recommendation! http://imgreview.com/gabrielle-cheikh-photography/ Check them and their other venture, posterburner.com, out!
I had the opportunity to photograph this lovely lady around her home a few months back! Not many people do individual portraits after their senior portraits anymore, so doing this shoot was extremely refreshing for me! Reg wanted to revitalize her online presence with some professionally photographed, thoughtful portraits of herself. What a fantastic way of thinking […]
A couple of weeks ago, I was honored when my high school math teacher asked that I take her family’s pictures this year! She was always one of my favorite teacher’s at Brebeuf, which says a lot considering she taught math! 🙂 After not seeing her for a while, I was so thrilled to hear […]
Adam and Jess finally had their baby! July 7th, little Olive made her first appearance. I got to visit her when she was only 3 days old and she gave me her best smiles! I can’t wait to watch this amazing family grow!
Adam and Jess finally had their baby! July 7th, little Olive made her first appearance. I got to visit her when she was only 3 days old and she gave me her best smiles! I can’t wait to watch this amazing family grow!