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Fun Old Throwback!

For Fun

This is a project that I definitely have on my list to redo in some manner! I shot these images in my first digital photography class for our constructed reality assignment. Every time I see them, I can’t help by smile about how ridiculous they are (and how much better I could make them look […]

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New York: Week 1 & 2


I am hoping this is the last overdue blog that I will be writing because, boy, do I have a lot to catch up on! I came to New York for a summer internship with the International Center of Photography (ICP) as well as have some fun in New York. I’ll begin with the first few […]

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New York: Week 1 & 2


I am hoping this is the last overdue blog that I will be writing because, boy, do I have a lot to catch up on! I came to New York for a summer internship with the International Center of Photography (ICP) as well as have some fun in New York. I’ll begin with the first few […]