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Crazy Photo Week!


I am a bit behind on things, but you will have to forgive me….it’s been quite a couple of weeks!  I will start with two weeks ago. The last week of June was pretty chaotic between getting ready to leave for New York to work at the International Center of Photography, packing up my house so […]

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Cory & Courtney’s Wedding!


Last Saturday, I attended my cousin’s wedding- which was also quite possibly the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to and will ever see! Although I was not their photographer by hire, I couldn’t help but snap a few pictures! Congratulations Cory and Courtney Eyler!  

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Cory & Courtney’s Wedding!


Last Saturday, I attended my cousin’s wedding- which was also quite possibly the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to and will ever see! Although I was not their photographer by hire, I couldn’t help but snap a few pictures! Congratulations Cory and Courtney Eyler!